SUPERIOR Company was set up in 1992 and was one of the first companies in Poland to develop and produce of natural food stabilizers. Currently we are among the leading manufacturers and suppliers of functional additives for food industry in Central and Eastern Europe.

SUPERIOR’s company’s headquarters are in Olsztyn while its production plant and R&D center are nearby in the town of Dobre Miasto. Independent agents represent our Company in several foreign countries and we cater specific markets and the development of regional products via application centers in the USA, Russia, the Ukraine and Belarus.

In cooperation with our partner-companies we focus on effectiveness and on building up customer loyalty, our common goal being to develop and implement products to meet market requirements and consumer preferences. Within our company, achievement of that goal is supported by a food safety management systems in accordance with PN-EN ISO 22000:2006. Our range contains many products that represent the unique quality already associated with the SUPERIOR brand.

Our carefully selected team of staff that make use of their deep scientific knowledge, and also of their collective fund of practical experience in food technologies where stabilizing systems determine the structure and consistency of the product. In SUPERIOR Company you will meet the staff that will always find the time to provide comprehensive information and technologists ready to help in adapting our stabilizing additives to the requirements of your particular products.

We cordially invite you to visit our headquarters in Olsztyn where we will do our best to transform the ideas into implementations of new projects.

Dr inż. Józef Żuraw
President of the Management Board